Why use Metadata?

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Why use Metadata?


The extra data columns help us move away from traditional folder hierarchy structures and allow us to search for our documents based on sophisticated configured properties. The columns are not included in a SharePoint by default so we will have to create them ourselves.


Examples of metadata columns you may want to attribute to a document could include Tax Year, Document Type (such as Correspondence, Admin, ASIC, Tax) and more.


Things to consider:


Metadata is useful in describing documents and could be used for categorising and grouping documents foregoing the need for a complicated folder structure in your Client folder in SharePoint.

These columns will only become searchable after your site is re-indexed (this happens automatically every hour or so).

When implemented, the metadata columns will appear in all OnePractice apps (Templates, Mail and Scans).


Note: Mandatory fields are not supported by OnePractice. Learn more